As You Like it

Set in the turbulent 1960’s, this take on As You Like It pits the ‘Establishment’ against the Counter Culture. Over 20 studio hours and a dozen players later, we had a recreation of the musical experiences that make up the ‘sixties’ sound! Whether it was the newly emerging electric folk-rock, the kitsch sounds as I emulate the sound of Martin Denny, or a toning and meditative journey as we ‘trip out’ in the studio (No LSD, but maybe a few Red Bulls and herbal tea). Conceived and directed by Sidonie Garrett, I was given a great deal of latitude to take this wherever it would go. I think the verse of Will S. makes for some pretty good folk-rock lyrics (purists beware)! You be the judge (I enjoy your comments, which should be enabled on the SoundCloud players).

Yes, I was a teen in the 60’s (my oh-so-formative years), so this was a labor of love. Rick Bacus and Bill Hoffman also came up in this era, tho Dave Cohen was more of a 70’s ‘prog-rock’ guy (but knew just what this session needed!) Peace, my friends!

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All Music ©Greg Mackender 2013