The Imaginary Invalid, produced in the 1994-95 Missouri Repertory Season and directed by Kenneth Albers. When viewing the video, be mindful that I’m not trying to tell the story, but simply presenting a host of the show’s production pictures to a medley of the music created for the show. The themes having a mocking pomp to them; the organ pretends to be a grand cathedral instrument, but is actually a small pump organ, food pedals frantically pumping to keep air moving through the bellows! The Imaginary Invalid would turn out to be Molière's last work: while playing the lead role of Argan, he collapsed on its fourth performance and died shortly after. Many thanks to Dr. Felicia Londré for assisting in researching the design and actor credits for the play (seen within the video), as well as Stuart Hinds (Director of UMKC Special Collections) for putting me in touch with the original production photos.

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