A (not-so) funny (at the time) sidebar: When we arrived at the studio, we quickly discovered the piano was grievously out of tune. Calling off the session was not an option, both from the standpoint of scheduling and paying the players, as well as the finished music cues needed to get to sound designer Tom Mardikes to get placed in the show. Pianist Scott MacDonald worked admirably to shape his parts to the least offensive notes. In turn, the remaining players adjusted as best they could throughout. One might generously say it adds a certain tension as called for by the script. Or, one could imagine it’s a realistic take on a group of ‘weekend warrior’ musicians playing their society gig at the posh Country Club (so, when listening, please be generous).


The Last Night of Ballyhoo, by Alfred Uhry

Music from the 1998 Missouri Repertory Theatre production of The Last Night of Ballyhoo. Directed by George Keathley, the play is set in Atlanta, Georgia during the holidays of 1939.

Some select designers: Cast:

Set Design Delbert Unruh Lala Levy Lisa Moore

Costume Design Victoria Marshall Reba Freitag Peggy Friesen

Lighting Design Victor En You Tan Adolph Freitag Gary Neal Johnson

Peachy Weil Jason Chanos

Sunny Freitag Jennifer Mays

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